
We are in Montréal

Côte-des-Neiges Neighborhood

Phone: +1 (263) 881-4275

Home school Program

Knitting Workshops

Administration and Finances



My first years of primary school were pivotal in my life and in inspiring this project. I had the privilege of doing my elementary education from first to fifth (or 1st to 5th – but consistent) grade, in a school at Mont Boron in the hills of Nice, France. Our schoolmaster and his wife welcomed some forty pupils in 2 multi-age classes. These very warm and enriching moments nourished my dream of creating a family educational environment in a human, intergenerational climate.

My inspiration continued to be enriched during the last 10 years, when I had the opportunity to study and teach Steiner pedagogy. While raising my two children, I devoted my time to learning more about this fascinating pedagogy from experienced teachers and colleagues.

These experiences have strengthened my conviction that nurturing these moments of childhood is so important.
Develop young children’s creativity in a simple, natural environment : this is the vocation of Centre Pastel, a center for co-education with parents.


Dr. Anke Scheinfeld has been an early childhood educator for over two decades. She received her Masters in Early Childhood Steiner Education from Sunbridge College. Prior to teaching, Anke worked as a physician and researcher in Germany, Great Britain, and the USA.

Anke is also the ideal contact for english-speaking families of the Centre Pastel.


Choosing the education given to your kid. Choosing freely and conscientiously. It’s a process that no longer seems as free as it once was. So many parents seem resigned to endure an education with a system, public or private, whose shortcomings, flaws and challenges they grudgingly tolerate.

It’s only with the arrival of my children that I’ve grasped the importance of the daily food they are given. And I’m not talking about meals. I’m talking about learning, discovery, awakening, everything that is born and learned with the help of adults, arts and nature. I want to believe, and I invite everyone to believe, that something else is possible. That anything is possible, and that the education of our children is always something to be rethought, explored and improved.

The project to create Centre Pastel is part of this irresistible desire to create and offer the most enriching experience for young children.

Website, administration, conformity, finances, gardening: in keeping with my skills, which go beyond being a lawyer in civil practice in downtown Montreal, I’m committed to support this vision so that the project can flourish and blossom in a thousand ways.

Long live Centre Pastel.